On Nov 3, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:



>> Bill, I appreciate your comment and have given it much thought, Ramit made
>> one much the same the other day. Here lies the potential problem, though it
>> might not be one at all, I need to do some experimenting. While I am a fan
>> of monolithic programming, I'm wondering if what I'm trying to do would work
>> on, say an old netbook. That might be a requirement. I'd prefer it not to
>> be, but it might. Also, thanks for reminding my addled old brain that event
>> driven is called interrupts. I knew that at one point, but seem to have
>> flushed it somehow.
> Who's Bill? Alan was referring to Twisted that is an event driven
> framework. Event driven or asynchronous processing is a third option
> (after threads or processes). The Twisted library is also capable of
> launching threads and (I think) processes for you so it could
> accommodate for all of the possibilities you want in one framework.

This Bill, and with apologies, - after some debate with myself I sent my 
comment to Richard without copying the list, since it was not relevant to 
either Threading or Multiprocessing - I simply pointed out that modern 
processors are so fast that he can probably accomplish what he wants to do by 
breaking his main subtasks into semi-atomic chunks and calling them round-robin.

It would require keeping careful track of some shared globals, but might be a 
MUCH simpler initial approach.  Those sub tasks could be coalesced and 
converted to multiprocessing later after he gets going with the robot.

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