On 20/11/12 11:33, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 19/11/2012 23:28, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
It's asking a lot if you want people to read your whole code to try
and spot the errors. Try to run it from the console and paste what the
errors are here.

I believe that to be complete nonsense, there was very little code to
parse. What was missing I've already asked for in a separate reply.

My, you're argumentative today :)

You *also* asked the Original Poster to explain what errors he got. Your
exact words:

"Stating there are some errors is as useful as a chocolate teapot. ...
What are you expecting to happen, WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?"
[emphasis added]

Whether there are 10000 lines or 10 lines, telling people "there are errors"
and expecting them to work out for themselves what those errors are *is*
asking a lot. We're volunteers here, people asking for help are asking us
to donate our time for free. Asking us to help identify and fix errors is
one thing. Asking us to *find* the errors first is too much.

Honestly, sometimes I don't understand people on the Internet. No offense to
the original poster Isaac, but do they think that the world resolves around
them and that we're sitting here just dying for the opportunity to be their
unpaid personal servant? If you ask a friend to help you move, you tell him
where you are moving from, you don't say "I'm in the phone book, look me up,
I'm too lazy to tell you my address."

Well, when asking *total strangers* to debug your code, you tell them what
errors you are getting, you don't expect them to work it out for themselves.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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