Hello all,

I'm new to posting on mailing lists so hopefully I've picked the correct
one for my question(s).

A little about my programming experience first.

I work as a 'black box' software tester on a website/application so am
familiar with the IT development process but when it comes to
programming I'm very much a keenly interested newbie. To give you some idea
of my current ability it would be (with a bit of revision) around chapter 8
of Wesley Chun's "Core Python programming".

I do not in any way mean this as a criticism of "Core Python" but to learn,
what I really need is a project. Although "Core Python" rigorously tackles
it's subject; I've found I need a more tangible reason than "It would be
great if I could program" to stay focused on working my way through the
book. It took more than one attempt to get to chapter 8 and as I was
stubbornly refusing to ask for help (madness I know) it became quite
disheartening when I found some questions tough going. It will be an
invaluable point of reference in the future, it's simply I don't currently
need to understand it's subject with the depth it offers.  All I need at
the moment is "enough to get started" which by my rough calculation is
around 4.35% (not including appendices) of what "Core Python" has to offer!

So what I need is a small(ish) project that introduces thoroughly a useful
part of the Python language while teaching me how to program.  But for what
will sound like a silly reason I've always managed to avoid undertaking
this task. Basically a fear of failure has stopped me from starting. I mean
I've always talked a good game but what if I'm not sharp enough to learn to
competently program?  Not attempting is better than failing surely?

Because of this fear I've never admitted I've got a ready made project just
waiting for me to tackle...........

Until now!

I would like to learn to automate the testing of a http(s) web
site/applications but feel slightly overwhelmed by this task so would like
to ask for some initial guidance.

These are some of questions that I have.

How do I go about this?

Where do I start?

There's just so much out there to help with learning Python I'm
experiencing information overload!

How do I stop myself from trying to run before I can walk?

In a perfect world a step by step guide, in automating web tests, using
Python is what I'm after but failing that(!) which sites/forums/mailing
lists are of particular interest to someone who would like to learn Python
programming initially through automating web tests?  (By web tests, to
begin with, I mean automated regression testing of a site by multiple users)

At work we use Selenium and Java so I'm aware that Selenium comes with a
Python driver.  Would that be a good place to start?

Apologies if I'm not supposed to ask more than one question per mail but
these are all closely related and could be thought of as "newbie struggling
to see the wood/forest for the trees!"

Many thanks for your help

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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