somnath chakrabarti wrote:
>  I have mingw and python 2.7 in a Windows 7 box and trying to install 
> PyGraphViz-1.1 using the following CLI
> utility
> python install build --compiler=mingw32
> However, it ends up compiling error with undefined references as follows:
> ...
> build\\Release\pygraphviz\graphviz_wrap.o:graphviz_wrap.c:(.text+0x5a73):
>  undefined reference
> to '_imp__PyInt_FromLong'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
> I checked in the link (see here) which suggests exporting definitions from 
> C:\Windows\System32\python27.dll to
> python27.def and then using dlltool to create libpython27.a and finally 
> placing the libpython.a file under
> C:\Python27\libs of the Python distribution for MinGW to interpret Python 
> libraries.
> I have the C:\MinGW\bin added to my system path and been trying to do the 
> export using
> pexports C:\Windows\System32\python27.dll > C:\Windows\System32\python27.def
> but each time I am receiving Access is Denied Message.
> I did some searching and found that MS Visual Studio users can avail another 
> export option with DUMPBIN but
> since I don't have MSVS installed, I would like to get some alternative to 
> get rid of the problem and need to
> use the PyGraphViz-1.1 package. Any suggestions will be very helpful
> Somnath Chakrabarti
> MS Student
> CSEE Department
> University of Maryland Baltimore County
> 1000 Hilltop Circle
> Baltimore, MD 21250
> M: 443-812-5609
> mail:
> gmail:

Do you *need* to build PygraphViz? Seems like you can download binaries or just 
install from pypi.

Not sure you will have great luck here, as this list is about learning Python. 
You might have better luck in the Google Group [1], on the developer's site[2], 
or as a last resort the main Python mailing list.


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