On 11/01/13 21:51, Ghadir Ghasemi wrote:
Hi, I made a program called binary/denary convertor.

Can anyone tell me about how I could stop the user entering a binary
> number with more than 8 numbers or 8 bit

Why would you want to? Your code can handle much bigger binary numbers, why limit the user to 8 bits?

Here is the code. I started off by entering 'len' function.

num1 = int(input('please enter the first 8 bit binary number: '),2)

Here hyou read the number as a string and already convert it to a real number in Python. So the conversion from binary has already happened regardless of how long the string was.

if len(num1) > 8:
     print("please enter an 8 bit binary number")

You now try to see how long the number is, but numvers don;t have a length.
So to do what you claim you want you need to do the len() check before you do the inty() conversion.
Something like:

 num1 = input('please enter the first 8 bit binary number: ')
 if len(num1) > 8:
      print("please enter an 8 bit binary number")
    num = int(num,2)

Then put that in while a loop that repeats until the length is <=8

return int(num1,2)

And here you return which would terminate your function except you don't have a function so it will give a syntax error. And trying to convert a num as a binary won't work because its already stored internally as a binary number. This only works if you still have the string as described above.

num2 = int(input('please enter the second 8 bit binary number: '),2)

And this doesn't do any len() checks....

result = add_binary_numbers(num1, num2)
print('the result is', bin(result)[2:])

I'd suggest that you make your add_binary_numbers() function return
the binary string. Otherwise it doesn't add any value over the
standard plus sign...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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