On 12.01.2013 02:19, Mitya Sirenef wrote:

Functions are the same, (called methods), but the self object is
different for each instance, and represents the instance. Consider that
since the logic performed by the method is the same (if it wasn't, you'd
define it as a separate method, right?), there would be no reason to
make a separate method for each instance. As you know from working with
functions, the same function may create different output if its
arguments are different (from another call), but if the arguments are
the same, it will create the same output (I'm ignoring things like
random module).

Well, that's why the first argument for a method is 'self', which is
different for each instance.

So to rephrase what you and also other wrote:
By setting "oakTree = Tree()" I create a new "Tree()" class instance.
Now calls to "oakTree.grow()" access functions of the Tree class, by traversing to it's "Superclass" Tree.

The "self" then, which also is used in the Superclass Function only tells, work with the "own" (self) values of the class instance, instead of the values of the class itself.

I guess that's right.

The core idea of having a class and one or more instances is very
versatile and powerful, all of the other concepts are much less needed
especially as you're starting out. For example, you can have a class
tree and methods and a bunch of tree instances; a classmethod would
allow you to perform an action without making an instance first, but
it's not like it's hard to make an instance -- it's just that in some
cases it's clearer and more straightforward to use a classmethod, like
Alan pointed out, but if you happen to forget about classmethods, you
could easily get by without them. The same applies to Borg pattern, etc.

Actually Im puzzled with the difference between a classmethod and a regular function definition inside a class object.

Does the classmethod just mean that I can use the class "math" and call "math.random()" without creating an instance of math before using "random()" ?
To what you write, it would make sense like that.

Of course the math module has to be imported first. But thats not the point now I guess :)

 > So I assume the functions are shared across thus one decleration has
been made in "Tree" class and all siblings are using that one?

They are usually called methods if they belong to a class, and yes
they're shared.

Okay, that makes sense - that class functions/methods (confusing with that decorator to talk about) are accessible and shared across all class instances - and its also what I noticed by using some code like following and the id() function.

Dave was asking what code I meant to get the "memory address" on where a function is lurking:


class market():
        def __init__(self):
                self.name = 'Market'
        def getMarketPrice(self):
                print self
                print self.__dict__

myInstancesList = []

for x in range(0, 10):
        myInstancesList.append( market() )
        print id(myInstancesList[x].getMarketPrice)

print myInstancesList


Which outputs the same memory reference for the function "getMarketPrice" of all instances of the "market" class plus the instances inside a list "myInstancesList".

I dont use a dictionary which might be confusing, but makes more sense to work with.

Also id() mentioned here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/121396/accessing-object-memory-address
And thank you all for the explanations. :)

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