On 02/11/2013 01:19 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
On 11/02/13 05:14, neubyr wrote:


* How do I associate/relate Book and Author classes so that it will help
me in getting information like 'get list of books written by an author'?
Data attribute?

I woudn't have a separate Author class but, if you must, something like:

class Book:
   def __init__(self, theAuthor,theTitle):
       self.Author = theAuthor
       self.title = theTitle

class Author:
   def __init__(self,aName):
      self.name = aName

myBook = Book(Author('Jane Austin'), 'Pride & Prejudice')

Big problem with that; then there may be multiple instances of Author, representing the same Author. Instead, there needs to be a factory function which reuses the same Author objects if an additional book with the same author is encountered. Without such an approach, one might as well stick with strings, which is what we each recommended.

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