>> Yes, you are right, of course.
>> Thanks for reminding me that we are dealing with floats.
>> I should have used approximations, with an (epsilon) error range.
>> I will remember if future, I hope.
> The solution I had in mind is simpler:
> if bmi < 18.5:
>     print "underweight"
> elif bmi < 25:
>     print "normal"
> elif bmi < 30:
>     print "overweight"
> else:
>     print "obese"

How about this approach? the "if" statements are simpler=better, but this is 
fun too!
import bisect
def getBMI(height, weight, cutoffs=[18, 25, 30],
           categories=('under', 'normal', 'obese', 'morbidly')):
    bmi = weight / float(height ** 2)
    return categories[bisect.bisect(cutoffs, bmi)]
cutoffs=[18, 25, 30]
categories =('skinny', 'normal', 'teddybear', 'huge teddybear')
print getBMI(1.82, 180, cutoffs, categories)
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