> But, where did you get the idea that you could build Python RPMs using
> $python setup.py bdist_rpm ? I thought that was only limited to
> building RPMs for python packages (including extensions), but not the
> Python interpreter itself. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Ok, so it's only for module distributions?  I assumed it could package
Python itself as well, because it creates a *.spec file that reads like

%define name Python
%define version 2.7.3
%define unmangled_version 2.7.3
%define release 1

Summary: A high-level object-oriented programming language

> Okay, here is something for you to try in the meantime. Download the
> Python 2.7 SRPM (source RPM) from
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=130. May be
> the F17 version.
> Extract it to get the source files, patches and the SPEC file.

Thank you, I will try this today.  In the meantime I have started a thread
on the "distutils" mailing list, so as not to spam "Tutor" with my build


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