Hello again wonderful python tutor mailing list.

I've got I guess more of a broad question than is usually asked on
this list and perhaps some of you might find it annoying, that's fine,
if it's inappropriate feel free to say so.

I want to start work on a new python project that would visit a
specific companies contest site daily and everyday fill out the active
contest forms, as they allow you to enter once a day.

I've got an outline in my head but am a little green to know any of
the good web scraping/manipulation frameworks or if one is better than
the other for something like this. I have no intention of doing
anything professional/shady/annoying with this code and want to write
it purely for my own amusement as well as to learn and obviously to
perhaps win something cool.

Any information anyone feels like providing would be awesome, I'm
running Lubuntu 12.10, 2gb ram, old crappy notebook.

My basic outline goes something like this..

Everyday the program visits the site and scrapes the links for all the contests.
The program visits each contest page and verifies there is an entry
form, indicating that the contest is active
If the contest is active at that moment, it adds the title of the page
to a text file, if the contest is inactive it adds the title of the
page to a text file.
If the contest is active, it fills out the form with my details and sends it off
If the contest is inactive the title of the page is added to the
permanently blacklisted text file and never messed with again.

This might be a bit convoluted as well and any pointers are appreciated.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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