On 04/16/2013 11:58 AM, Andy McKenzie wrote:
Hey folks.

I'm just starting to pick up Python, and I'd like to avoid some of the
mistakes I made in the past.  To elaborate on that, my primary
programming/scripting experience is PHP, with a little bit of Perl thrown
in.  Like so many people who write in PHP, I was entirely self-taught, and
would be the first to admit that a lot of what I've written is, well...
wrong.  It works, but it's sloppy and inefficient, because there were
standard constructions and solutions I just didn't know about.  I'd like to
avoid that with Python.

Welcome to the mailing list. I expect you'll find Python a much cleaner language than the other two, though php has some definite convenience for its particular niche.

So:  my first two questions to the list.

1) Python 2.7 or 3.x?  I know I'm going to want to do some work with NLTK
(which appears to only have an alpha version out for Python 3), but I've
just gone through the hassle of dealing with an upgrade from PHP 4 to 5.3,
and I'd rather not start learning something that's already obsolete.  Any
words of advice?

If you have to use a library that's not available yet for 3.x, then you need to use 2.x on the other hand, if you're learning now, maybe that library will be available by the time you actually need it.

For most people, I'd advise against trying to use a tutorial that targets a different version than you're running. If you get frustrated quickly, you can get bogged down by the differences when you're just copying an exact program out of some book.

Python 3 in particular has spent some substantial effort cleaning up the warts, the biggest one being Unicode. For beginning programmers using only ASCII, probably the main thing that'll bog you down is that print() is now a function, rather than a statement, so you need parentheses. But once you get used to seeing syntax error, you quickly get the hang of it. And once you do, the function is much nicer.

2) Best practices.  I have the WROX Press Beginning Python book, which
targets Python 2.  Clearly that's of only limited value if I'm going to go
with Python 3, but it looks like it's at least going to be a good overview.
  But some of the stuff they do seems to be fairly personalized, rather than
trying to follow standards.  Should I just start out with the tutorial from
docs.python.org?  I would assume that that would start putting me in the
right habits from the beginning... is that accurate, or is there a better
way to go?

Thanks in advance,
   Andy McKenzie

I'd start with the python.org tutorial for the version you're trying to learn. Get serious about trying everything, and don't try to absorb it all in one sitting, even though it can be done.

And use a text editor that helps you indent, or even that colorizes your code. And when you just want to try things, use the interpreter directly. It's amazing what you can learn directly from it. You can ask the interpreter lots of questions about an object:

   print( type(obj) )
   print( repr(obj) )

And don't forget to post here when you seem to be stuck. Sometimes a well placed comment beats days of struggling. When you do get an exception you don't understand, paste the whole thing, as well as the code you were trying.

Best of luck.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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