On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigila...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was looking at google pengine for python and it only supports 2.7. I've
> installed 3 and would rather not go back

Do you mean Google App Engine (GAE)?

Django 1.5 supports 3.x (via Six), but GAE is at 1.4. I'm not sure if
GAE has other dependencies holding it up, but AFAIK Google hasn't even
published a release schedule for 3.x support. See issue 909:



> So the question comes up. If there is a 2to3 script, which I got working, is
> there a 3to2 script?. Or does that even makes sense since 3 has features 2
> does not, although I read somewhere that many have been backported?


As you've already guessed, 3to2 can't backport all 3.x code.
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