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On 05/11/2013 08:50 AM, Raymond Jackson wrote:
Hello My name is Raymond Jackson I am currently on your tutorial site

Be explicit. There are lots of tutorial sites around. Perhaps you mean http://docs.python.org/tutorial/
or http://www.alan-g.me.uk/

and trying to teach my self this new language I haven't done this before
so i'm open to any suggestions going about this

Many people are new to Python, but have programmed in one or ten other languages. Others are entirely new to programming, but very proficient with a computer, both with applications and the commandline. Still others know nothing about computers other than how to find a web page.

Describe yourself a little better, and somebody will have a suggestion that'll help you at your particular level. Part of that description will include your OS, and the version of Python you're trying to use.

Generically speaking, find a tutorial that fits your level, and that matches the version of Python you're experimenting on (2.x or 3.x), and dig in. Do all the exercises, and don't skip ahead if you don't understand something. Either study it till you do, or ask a question somewhere. At the least, make an explicit note, so you'll know what to come back to, to fill in the gaps.

Still generically, find an interactive environment that you're comfortable with, and experiment. Python is especially good at that, in that you can fire up the interpreter by just typing python3.3 or similar at the shell prompt.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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