On 28/05/13 13:54, Tim Hanson wrote:
Okay, so I made it to FOR loops in the Lutz book.  A couple of days ago I was
helped here with the .join method for creating strings from lists or tuples of
strings.  I got to wondering if I could just, for the sake of learning, do the
same thing in a FOR loop, since that's today's chapter:

x=0; ham=''; b=['s','p','a','m'] #or, b=('s','p','a','m')
for t in b:

There's no need to manually count the index that you are looking at, and no 
need to manually look up the character using b[x]. That's what the for-loop is 
already doing. (Also, a good habit to get into is using *meaningful* variable 
names, not one-letter cryptic names.)

ham = ''
for char in ['s', 'p', 'a', 'm']:
    ham = ham + char

But wait, there's more! There's no need to split the string "spam" up into 
characters yourself, since strings can be iterated over too:

ham = ''
for char in 'spam':
    ham = ham + char

However, a word of warning: although you *can* assemble a new string character 
by character like that, you should not, because it risks being very slow. 
*Painfully* slow. If you want to hear the details, please ask, but it risks 
being slow for much the same reason as the infamous Shlemiel the Painter 


So while it is okay to assemble strings using + if there are only a few pieces, 
you should avoid doing it whenever there is a chance of there being many 
pieces. The standard method for assembling a string from a collection of 
substrings is to do it in one go, using the join method, instead of piece by 

pieces = ['NOBODY', 'expects', 'the', 'Spanish', 'Inquisition!']
mystring = ' '.join(pieces)  # join with a single space between each piece

The joiner can be any string you like, including the empty string '', it 
doesn't have to be a space.

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