Dave Angel wrote:

> On 06/23/2013 02:18 AM, Jack Little wrote:
>> I am trying to use random.choice for a text based game. I am using
>> windows 7, 64-bit python. Here is my code:
>> def lvl2():
>>      print "COMMANDER: Who should you train with?"
>>      trn=random.choice(1,2)
>>      if trn==1:
>>          lvl2_1()
>>          print "Squad One!"
>>      elif trn==2:
>>          lvl2_2()
>>          print "Squad Nine!"

>> Here is my error:
>>   File "C:\Users\Jack\Desktop\python\skye.py", line 20, in lvl2
>>      trn=random.choice(1,2)
>> TypeError: choice() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

> Steven's answer is correct, but here's another option:
> trn = random.randint(1,2)
> Here, the 1 and 2 are separate arguments delimiting a range of integer
> values.  Note that it includes both end points, unlike the xrange
> function.

Here's yet another option: if you move the print statements into the 
lvl2_...() functions you can simplify your code by choosing the function 

>>> import random
>>> def level2_1():
...     # ...
...     print "Squad One!"
>>> def level2_2():
...     # ...
...     print "Squad Nine!"
>>> def level2():
...     print "COMMANDER: Who should you train with?"
...     level2_x = random.choice([level2_1, level2_2])
...     level2_x()
>>> level2()
COMMANDER: Who should you train with?
Squad One!
>>> level2()
COMMANDER: Who should you train with?
Squad Nine!
>>> level2()
COMMANDER: Who should you train with?
Squad Nine!

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