
I changed some simple python client/server chatroom recipe
to include RSA keypair based encryption and signature verification

because I'm sick of someone spying on my conversations on FB and similar.

Here is the code:


If anyone is interrested in trying the software - mostly bughunting and improvements

please run these commands after downloading the source codes:

    cd client
|openssl genrsa -out your_cert_name.pem -des3 4096
||openssl rsa -pubout -in yourt_cert_name.pem -passin pass:"yourpassword" -out your_chatroom_nick.pub

## After this step, please send me your_chatroom_nick.pub file, it should have the same name.pub as you want to use in the chatroom, otherwise we can't decrypt your messages

    # if you don't have pycrypt, then sudo pip install pycrypto
python client.py your_chatroom_nick nemec.lu 3490 your_cert_name.pem yourpassword

Now we should be able to chat :)

Enjoy, and please don't kill me for writing here :)


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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