On 03/09/13 08:25, Ismar Sehic wrote:
help with postgres and csv:
i solved my problem by playing with the sql line a little.
it looked like this : sql  = " UPDATE hotel SET path_picture =
  WHERE code LIKE '"+"%"+hotel_code+"'"
  now it's like this : " UPDATE hotel SET path_picture = '" + hot_url +
"' WHERE code LIKE '%" + hot_code + "';"

i guess the problem was in building the sql string, but i don't yet
quite understand what i did.can someone point me to some online resorces
about postgres and python integration?

Googling "python postgres" seems to throw up quite a few links. Did you try any of them? If so do you have a specific area of interest?

Also there are several APIs to use, each has links to their own sites.
You can find a list here:


Finally, please don't quote the entire digest when replying
and please use a sensible subject line.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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