
I am a beginner in computer programming. I am studying math, and the math class 
that I will be taking requires knowledge in Python. So, I am in a computer 
science class. Therefore, I do not have an in-depth knowledge of computer 

I am currently trying to write a program in Python version 2.7.5 that uses the 
math module to compute sinh(x) = 1/2(e^x - e^(-x)) in three ways for a given 
value of x:
1a) by using the sinh function
1b) by using the exp function
1c) by using the value of e and the exponentiation operator **

2. Print the results and note any differences that appear. 

So, I know that I have to create a NotePad file so that I can import that into 
my command prompt.

In my NotePad file, I have the following...I'm not sure if I am even going 
about doing this problem correctly...

def sinh(x):
    return (1/2)*(e^x - e^(-x))
def exp(x):
    return e**x

I am stuck, and don't know where to go from here. I would appreciate help 

Thank you.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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