What is the error you received? What lines does it say are causing the error?

Also, this smells like classwork.

On Sep 20, 2013, at 21:26, znx...@yahoo.com wrote:

> Can anyone please help me figure out what I am NOT doing to make this program 
> work properly.....PLEASE !!
> I need to be able to take the user input that is entered in the two graphical 
> boxes of the first window and evaluate it to generate a graph chart which is 
> suppose to display in the second window.  I am totally at a loss for what I 
> am NOT doing, and I know it is something so simple that I am overlooking 
> because I am making this harder that what it most likely really is.
> But I just cannot get it to work properly.  Please HELP !!!  Help me 
> understand what I am doing wrong and how to fix it.  I believe I am on the 
> right path but I'm becoming frustrated and discouraged.  
> I have attached a copy of the code I've compiled so far.
> <futval_graph2.py>
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