On 9/27/2013 10:07 AM, bharath ks wrote:

> Hello,
Hi welcome to the tutor list.
Please post in plain text rather than tiny hard-to-read formatted text.

> May i know why object 'c' does not prompt for employee name and employee id in the following code
You may - see comment below

> i get out put as
> Enter employee name:john
> Enter employee id:56
> Employee name is: john
> Employee id is: 56
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Employee name is: test
> Employee id is: 1003
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Employee name is: john
> Employee id is: 56
> class employee:
>     emp_name=""
>     emp_id=0
>     def collect_name():
>         return(input("Enter employee name:"))
>     def collect_id():
>         return(input("Enter employee id:"))
>     def show(self):
>         print("Employee name is:",self.emp_name)
>         print("Employee id is:",self.emp_id)
>     def __init__(self,name=collect_name(),id=collect_id()):

name=collect_name() and id=collect_id() are executed when the def is executed.
The values are saved as the default values of name and id.
That happens once, and the default values are used whenever __init__ is called without arguments.

>         self.emp_name=name
>         self.emp_id=id
> a=employee()
> a.show()
> print("----------------------------------------------------")
> b=employee("test",1003)
> b.show()
> print("----------------------------------------------------")
> c=employee()
> c.show()

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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