I am at the point where I am just spinning my wheels.  I tried to get help with 
logging on but so far I am just getting frustrated.
I have a problem that I brought up the first night in class but couldn't seem 
to get help then.  Sorry if I am at the point where I am totally frustrated and 
I did not turn in homework because of the fact that I can not run anything 
without getting a syntax error.  I tried setting up a path for python 
environment variables and a few other things but I am getting no where.
Can you give me some suggestions why I can't run anything.  I have windows 7 on 
my home computer, and windows 8 on my laptop and they are both doing the same 
thing.  So it has to be something I am doing or not doing.
I really do not like being behind/late in anything so that is making me even 
more frustrated.
I suppose I am even more frustrated and afraid to ask because I kink of got a 
slap in the face last time I took a course here and the instructor would not 
help.  But that was a way different situation, I simply could not understand 
his English and then he told me he did not have any patience.  Excuse me but I 
just about died when he, an INSTRUCTOR told me that.  I worked at Stanford for 
25 years and to hear an instructor say those words was unthinkable.  Anyway you 
can maybe understand my reluctance to ask for help but I need help.  Any 
When I use one of the computers at school everything works just fine.  Except I 
can not get my own computer to log on when I am there.  So again that is why I 
said it is my system and something in my set up that I don't have.
Sorry for the long note, I was just letting out a little frustration.  LOL
Thx for any suggestions, Carolynn Fryer
ps: I know this is not the proper way to get ahold of you but I could not find 
nor have time to find any other way.  
The UCSC system is not very user friendly  
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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