Yes I have found that after loading to RAM and then reading lines by lines
saves a huge amount of time since my text files are very huge.

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Alan Gauld <>wrote:

> On 04/11/13 13:06, Amal Thomas wrote:
>  Present code:
>> *f = open("output.txt")
>> f.close()
> If your objective is to save time, then you should replace this with
> f.readlines() which will save you reprocesasing the entire file to remove
> the newlines.
>  for lines in content:
>> *  <processing>*
>> *content.clear()*
> But if you are processing line by line what makes you think that reading
> the entire file into RAM and then reprocessing it is faster than reading it
> line by line?
> Have you tried that on aqnother file and measutred any significant
> improvement? There are times when reading into RAM is faster but I'm not
> sure this will be one of them.
> for line in f:
>    process line
> may be your best bet.
>  *f = open("output.txt")
>> content=io.StringIO(
>> f.close()
>> for lines in content:
>>    <processing>
>> *
>> *content.close()*
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
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*AMAL THOMASFourth Year Undergraduate Student Department of Biotechnology
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