On 14/12/2013 01:03, Bo Morris wrote:
i have the following simple function that iterates over the list. It
passes the list item into the function and adds the numbers. What would
be the equivalent way of writing the "map" portion with list
comprehension? My code is as follows:

def add(number):
     print 1 + int(number)

x = ['2', '4', '6', '8', '10', '12']

map(add, x)

thanks for the help and thank you for this mailing list.


I don't see any function that iterates over anything. I do see a function that takes something called number (IMHO a very poor name), converts it into an int, adds 1 to it, prints it out and then returns None, the default when no return statement is given in a function. So change print to return, add it all up (very loud groan :) and you have.

def add(number):
    return 1 + int(number)

y = [add(z) for z in x]

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