On 22/12/2013 14:43, Tobias M. wrote:

I am currently writing an event-driven client library for a network
protocol [1] and chose to use the new asyncio module. I have no
experience with asynchronous IO and don't understand all the concepts in
asyncio yet. So I'm not sure if asyncio is actually the right choice .

My goal:
I want to provide an easy to use interface to the network protocol.

What I have so far:
I internally use the asyncio event loop and and the user can register
event handler functions for specific events triggered by the network input.
Reduced to the essentials the architecture of my code looks like this:

class Client(asyncio.Protocol):

     def __init__(self, handler, server, port):
         self._handler = handler
         self._server = server
         self._port = port

     def run(self):
         loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
         task = asyncio.Task(loop.create_connection(self, server, port))

     def data_received(self, data):
         # read data and call the appropriate handler methods on

The user initializes a Client object, passing a handler to the
constructor. The handler is an instance of a class that contains event
handler methods implemented by the user. (The expected interface of a
handler is defined in an abstract base class.)
Afterwards the user calls run() on the client to start processing.

So far this works, but only for applications that solely react to events
from the network. Now I want to be able to use this library for network
communication in interactive applications (command line or GUI), too. In
this case it needs to be able to respond to user input, which must be
somhow incorporated in the event loop. GUI libraries like PyQt even
provide their own event loop.

So how do I integrate those aspects in my library?
Is asyncio the right choice?
Or does my whole approach goes in the wrong direction?

I would greatly appreciate any help and suggestions,


The network protocol is IRC (Internet Relay Chat) but I think that does
not really matter here.

I'm sorry that I can't help directly, but the asyncio module is so new that I don't know if any of the other regulars here can help either :( I'd be inclined to wait for 24 hours from time of posting and if you don't get any positive responses, then ask again on the main Python mailing list/news group. Note that personally I would not ask on stackoverflow, I've seen too many completely wrong answers there top voted.

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Mark Lawrence

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