On 31/12/2013 07:30, Keith Winston wrote:
Never mind, I figured out that the slice assignment is emptying the
previous lists, before the .reset() statements are creating new lists
that I then populate and pass on. It makes sense.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:59 AM, Keith Winston <keithw...@gmail.com
<mailto:keithw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I resolved a problem I was having with lists, but I don't understand
    how! I caught my code inadvertently resetting/zeroing two lists
    TWICE at the invocation of the game method, and it was leading to
    all the (gamechutes & gameladders) lists returned by that method
    being zeroed out except the final time the method is called. That
    is: the game method below is iterated iter times (this happens
    outside the method), and every time gamechutes and gameladders
    (which should be lists of all the chutes and ladders landed on
    during the game) were returned empty, except for the last time, in
    which case they were correct. I can see that doing the multiple
    zeroing is pointless, but I can't understand why it would have any
    effect on the returned values. Note that self.reset() is called in
    __init__, so the lists exist before this method is ever called, if I
    understand properly.

         def game(self, iter):
             """Single game"""

             self.gamechutes[:] = []   #when I take out these two slice
             self.gameladders[:] = []   # then gamechutes & gameladders
    work properly

             self.gamechutes = []  # these were actually in a call to
             self.gameladders = []

             #.... other stuff in reset()

             while self.position < 100:
                 gamecandl = self.move()
                 if gamecandl[0] != 0:
                 if gamecandl[1] != 0:
             return [iter, self.movecount, self.numchutes,
    self.numladders, self.gamechutes,            self.gameladders]

    I'm happy to share the rest of the code if you want it, though I'm
    pretty sure the problem lies here. If it's not obvious, I'm setting
    myself up to analyse chute & ladder frequency: how often, in a
    sequence of games, one hits specific chutes & ladders, and related

    As always, any comments on style or substance are appreciated.

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