
> Am I missing something or don't classes know how they're called
> (unlike funcs, which have a __name__ attribute, very practicle)? Is
> there a way to get it otherwise?

The class has it, the instance doesn't. That said, you are looking for 
self.__class__.__name__ ...

> class SuperType:
>     # ...
>     def __repr__ (sef):
>         return "%s(stuff)" % (self.__class__.__name__, stuff)

... which you do use here.

> But I need each class to know its name. Subtypes are actually
> defined by users (of a lib), presently they are forced to write the
> name explicitely, which is stupid since they already give it as var
> name:
> class SubType (SuperType):
>     __name__ = "SubType"
>     # ....

I do not get it. The __class__.__name__ thing works great for me:

  >>> class Foo():
  ...     def whoami(self):
  ...         return self.__class__.__name__
  >>> f = Foo()
  >>> f.whoami()
  >>> class Bar(Foo):
  ...     pass
  >>> b = Bar()
  >>> b.whoami()

Please be a bit more specific about your problem, because the problem
you described obviously does not exist ;).


* mirabilos is handling my post-1990 smartphone *
<mirabilos> Aaah, it vibrates! Wherefore art thou, demonic device??

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