It will also be helpful if you tell us your OS and Python Version.
Can you also tell us if you are writing the code to a file and
executing, using IDLE or some other IDE, or are you using the
interpreter interactively?

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Amy Davidson <> wrote:
> Hey Danny,
> I just started taking the course (introduction to Computer Science) on last 
> Tuesday, so I am not to familiar. I have been doing my best to understand  
> the material by reading the text book, Learn Python the hard way.
> In my quest to answer the question given to me, I have searched the internet 
> high and low of other functions thus, I am familiar with the basic knowledge 
> of them (i.e. starting with def) as well as examples.
> We can attempt the approach to the method that you prefer.
> Thans for helping me, by the way.
> On Jan 10, 2014, at 5:25 PM, Danny Yoo <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Keith Winston <> wrote:
>>> Amy, judging from Danny's replies, you may be emailing him and not the
>>> list. If you want others to help, or to report on your progress,
>>> you'll need to make sure the tutor email is in your reply to:
>> Hi Amy,
>> Very much so.  Please try to use "Reply to All" if you can.
>> If you're wondering why I'm asking for you to try to recall any other
>> example function definitions, I'm doing so specifically because it is
>> a general problem-solving technique.  Try to see if the problem that's
>> stumping you is similar to things you've seen before.  Several of the
>> heuristics from Polya's "How to Solve It" refer to this:
>> If you haven't ever seen any function definition ever before, then we
>> do have to start from square one.  But this would be a very strange
>> scenario, to be asked to write a function definition without having
>> seen any previous definitions before.
>> If you have seen a function before, then one approach we might take is
>> try to make analogies to those previous examples.  That's an approach
>> I'd prefer.
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