Emile van Sebille wrote:

> On 01/12/2014 12:21 PM, Peter Otten wrote:
>>>>> test("axbxc", "abc")
>> True
>>>>> test("abbxc", "abc")
>> False
>> Is the second result desired?
> No -- the second should match -- you found a test case I didn't...
> def test(a,b):
>    for ii in a:
>      if ii not in b: a=a.replace(ii,"")
>      while ii+ii in a: a=a.replace(ii+ii,ii)
>    return b in a
> Show me another.  :)

>>> def test(a,b):
...    for ii in a:
...      if ii not in b: a=a.replace(ii,"")
...      while ii+ii in a: a=a.replace(ii+ii,ii)
...    return b in a
>>> test("abac", "abc")

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