On 20/01/2014 01:16, Doug and Riekie Dorman wrote:
I think I may have found a bug:

pairs  =  [(1,  'one'),  (2,  'two'),  (3,  'three'),  (4,  'four')]
pairs.sort(key=lambda  pair:  pair[1])
[(4, 'four'), (1, 'one'), (3, 'three'), (2, 'two')]

Should be:

pairs  =  [(1,  'one'),  (2,  'two'),  (3,  'three'),  (4,  'four')]
pairs.sort(key=lambda  pairs:  pairs[1])
[(4, 'four'), (1, 'one'), (3, 'three'), (2, 'two')]

I have increased the size of the two s's to show the problem.


What has the name you've given your lambda parameter got to do with the name of your list?

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Mark Lawrence

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