On 29/01/14 22:19, Amy Davidson wrote:
I’ve been given an assignment in which I need to recreate
> the game Mastermind.

OK I assume you know how mastermind works?
ie the rules of the game.

I’ve been attempting it for approx a week with little to no progress.
> I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction.

OK, Start by writing down an example of what the finished
game should look like. Maybe a welcome message followed by
a prompt for input. An example input and the games response
and so on until it completes.

That will act as a specification for your program.

here is what I’ve got:

import random

I assume you plan on using random to generate the target pattern?
For now I'd start with a fixed pattern, generating a random one is best left to the end otherwise testing behaviour will be slightly more difficult.

def masterMind():
     userGuess = raw_input("Guess my 5 digit password:”)

     while True:
         if len(userGuess) != 5:
            userGuess = input("Guess my 5 digit password:”)

When you create a "while True" loop its vital that you provide some way to exit. I usually code the exit clause immediately after creating
the loop.

Your loop has no exit so it just loops forever.
If the len() is not 5 you get a prompt and another attempt
but if it does equal 5 the loop just spins silently.

Your next steps should be:
1) Clarify in your mind what the program should do (see above)
2) create a means of exiting the loop
3) create a target to guess
4) start comparing the user input to the target. ( I suggest
you create a second function to do that, you can then test
it in isolation)

Let us know how you get on.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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