On 09/02/14 22:37, Altrius wrote:
I’m completely new to programming in general and everything I have read so far 
has pointed me to Python.

Its still one of the best choices for learning.
Other languages are easier to get started with but then you can't go any further. Python lets you keep on growing.

All I know is that a programming language is a medium for a human
> to tell a computer what to do.

That's exactly right and a great start.

I'll blow my own trumpet here and suggest you at least read the first section of my tutor (see below) because it explains the concepts which most tutorials don't cover.

The official python docs will likely be unintelligible to you at this stage but by the time you have gone through one of the non-programmers tuts found here:


you should be able to run through the official tutorial and read the other documentation. Don;t be afraid to sample several tuts. Different people learn better with different styles. Find one that suits you.

If you get stuck, don't give up but ask questions here.
The more specific the question the more specific the answer.
But don't be shy of asking for explanations of concepts and
buzzwords/jargon too.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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