On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 3:38 AM, abhinav raj kp nirmallur
<abhinavra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sir  I don't know nothing about programming but I have a great intrest
> in it so that now a days I began to study python, many of my friends
> and teachers suggest me it. But still I have no tutor, can you please
> suggest me to study python using book or any good websit.

Hi Abhinav,

I am changing the subject line.  In the future, please use appropriate
subject lines for fresh questions.  Doing so helps others on the list
to know if they are interested in your question.

You have said: "Still I have no tutor".  You are very mistaken.  You
have the folks on this mailing list.  We will be happy to help.

We do not work for free, of course.  You have to try to ask good
questions.  But do so, and you will have people falling out of the
aisles here who will be overjoyed to serve.  We all know what it's
like to start as a beginner.

You've asked where you can find good resources.  Do you have access to
the following web page?


That page has links to tutorials that may be helpful for you.  You
should be able to get started by picking one of them, and reading and
practicing them.  If you have trouble with them, come back here and
ask questions about the difficulty.  Folks here will be happy to help.

Finally, take a few minutes and read through:


That document might be a little obnoxious at first, but it provides
some guidelines for asking questions to a particular and strange group
of humanity, namely computer programmers.  I recommend this because,
as a beginner, you might not know about certain expectations that
these weird programmers have.  If you try to meet those cultural
expectations, you'll almost certainly get better answers in turn from
technical forums.

Good luck!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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