Hello there,

I want to emulate a coin flip and count how many heads and tails when flipping 
it a hundred times.

I first coded coinflip_WRONG.py with "count_flips += 1" statement within the 
if/else block.
When running it, either returned values are wrong or the script seems to enter 
in an infinite loop showing no return values at all.

coinflip.py is a corrected version I worked out myself. I moved "count_flips+= 
1" out of if/else block and inserted it before if/else.

However, I still don't understand the bug since, in my understanding, both 
files are incrementing variable count_flips each time until the loop becomes 

Can somebody explain the reason of the bug.

#Coin Flip
#Flip a coin 100 times and count heads and tails

input('Press ENTER to flip a coin a hundred times')

import random

#set count values
count_heads = 0
count_tails = 0
count_flips = 0

while count_flips != 100:
    coin_side = random.randint(1,2)
    count_flips += 1
    if coin_side == 1:
        count_heads += 1
        #count_flips += 1

    else: count_tails += 1
    #count_flips += 1

print('The coin returned',count_heads,'heads and',count_tails,'tails.')
#Coin Flip
#Flip a coin 100 times and count heads and tails

input('Press ENTER to flip a coin a hundred times')

import random

#set count values
count_heads = 0
count_tails = 0
count_flips = 0

while count_flips != 100:
    coin_side = random.randint(1,2)
    #count_flips += 1
    if coin_side == 1:
        count_heads += 1
        count_flips += 1

    else: count_tails += 1
    count_flips += 1

print('The coin returned',count_heads,'heads and',count_tails,'tails.')
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