On 01/04/2014 02:47, Danny Yoo wrote:

On Mar 31, 2014 6:22 PM, "Scott W Dunning" <scott....@cox.net
<mailto:scott....@cox.net>> wrote:
 > I’m working on a few exercises and I’m a little stuck on this one.
 > This is what the book has but it just gives me an endless loop.
 > def square_root(a, eps=1e-6):
 >         while True:
 >                 print x
 >                 y = (x + a/x) / 2
 >                 if abs(y-x) < epsilon:
 >                         break
 > round(square_root(9))

Hi Scott,

Ah.  I think I see what might be wrong, but let's make sure about this.

Can you explain what 'x', 'y' are in this function?

And the difference between eps and epsilon while (ouch) we're at it.

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Mark Lawrence

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