Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

> Ok guys, when I wrote that email I was excited for the apparent speed
> increasing (it was jumping the bottleneck for loop for the reason peter
> otten outlined).
> Now, instead the changes, the speed is not improved (the code still
> running from this morning and it's at one forth of the dataset).
> What can I do to speed it up?

Not as easy as I had hoped and certainly not as pretty, here's my 
modification of the code you sent me. What makes it messy is that 
I had to inline your kappa() function; my first attempt with 
numpy.vectorize() didn't help much. There is still stuff in the
'for gammar...' loop that doesn't belong there, but I decided it
was time for me to stop ;)

Note that it may still be worthwhile to consult a numpy expert 
(which I'm not!).

from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
from matplotlib import colors, ticker, cm
import numpy as np

phamin = 0
phamax = 2*pi
obamin = 0
obamax = pi
npha = 100
nobs = 181
stepPHA = (phamax-phamin)/npha
stepOB = (obamax-obamin)/nobs
freq = 10
c = 2.9979*(10**(10))
e = 4.8032*(10**(-10))
hcut = 1.0546*(10**(-27))
eVtoErg = 1.6022*(10**(-12))

from math import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

kaparg = [
    -3.0, -2.0, -1.52287875, -1.22184875, -1.0, -0.69897,
     -0.52287875, -0.39794001, -0.30103, -0.22184875,
     -0.15490196,  0.0, 0.30103, 0.60205999,  0.69897,
     0.77815125,  0.90308999,  1.0]

kapval = [
    -0.6716204 , -0.35163999, -0.21183163, -0.13489603,
     -0.0872467 , -0.04431225, -0.03432803, -0.04335142,
     -0.05998184, -0.08039898, -0.10347378, -0.18641901,
     -0.52287875, -1.27572413, -1.66958623, -2.07314329,
     -2.88941029, -3.7212464 ]

my_inter = interp1d(kaparg, kapval)

def LEstep(n):
    Emin = 10**6
    Emax = 5*(10**10)
    Lemin = log10(Emin)
    Lemax = log10(Emax)
    stepE = (Lemax-Lemin)/n
    return stepE, n, Lemin, Lemax

def mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq):
    eel = np.array(list(range(nex)))
    eels = np.logspace(Lemin, Lemax, num=nex, endpoint=False)

    rlc = c/(2*pi*freq)

    sigmas = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30]
    MYMAPS = [
        np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float) for _ in sigmas]

    alpha = '60_'
    ALPHA = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)
    for count, my_line in enumerate(open('datasm0_60_5s.dat')):
        myinternet = []
        print('reading the line', count, '/599378')
        my_parts = np.array(my_line.split(), dtype=float)
        phase = my_parts[4]
        zobs = my_parts[5]
        rho = my_parts[6]

        gmils = my_parts[7:12]

        i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)
        j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

        for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmils, MYMAPS):

            omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)
            gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

            omega = (10**(eel*stepENE+Lemin))*eVtoErg/hcut
            x = omega/omC

            kap = np.empty(x.shape)
            sel = x >= 10.0
            zsel = x[sel]
            kap[sel] = 1.2533 * np.sqrt(zsel)*np.exp(-zsel)

            sel = x < 0.001
            zsel = x[sel]
            kap[sel] = (2.1495 * np.exp(0.333333333 * np.log(zsel))
                        - 1.8138 * zsel)

            sel = ~ ((x >= 10.0) | (x < 0.001))
            zsel = x[sel]
            result = my_inter(np.log10(zsel))
            kap[sel] = 10**result

            Iom = ALPHA*gammar*kap
            P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi)
            phps = P/(hcut*omega)
            www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)
            MYMAP[i,j] += www

    for sigma, MYMAP in zip(sigmas, MYMAPS):
        filename = "_".join(str(p) for p in
            ["skymap", alpha, sigma, npha, phamin, phamax, nobs,
            obamin, obamax, nex, Lemin, Lemax, '.dat']

        x, y, z = MYMAP.shape
        with open(filename, 'ab') as MYfile:
                MYMAP.reshape(x*y, z, order="F").T,
                delimiter=",", fmt="%s", newline=",\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv)<=1:
        stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(200)
    elif len(sys.argv)<=2:
        stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))
        stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))

    mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq)

For reference here is the original (with the loop over gmlis 
instead of gmils):

> import sys
> from math import *
> from scipy import ndimage
> from scipy import stats
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> from scipy import optimize
> from matplotlib import colors, ticker, cm
> import numpy as np
> import cProfile
> import pstats
> phamin=0
> phamax=2*pi
> obamin=0
> obamax=pi
> npha=100
> nobs=181
> stepPHA=(phamax-phamin)/npha
> stepOB=(obamax-obamin)/nobs
> freq=10
> c=2.9979*(10**(10))
> e=4.8032*(10**(-10))
> hcut=1.0546*(10**(-27))
> eVtoErg=1.6022*(10**(-12))
> from math import *
> import numpy as np
> from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
> def kappa(z):
>     N=18
>     kaparg = [-3.0, -2.0, -1.52287875, -1.22184875, -1.0, -0.69897, 
> -0.52287875, -0.39794001, -0.30103, -0.22184875, -0.15490196,  0.0, 0.30103,  
> 0.60205999,  0.69897, 0.77815125,  0.90308999,  1.0]
>     kapval = [-0.6716204 , -0.35163999, -0.21183163, -0.13489603, -0.0872467 
> , -0.04431225, -0.03432803, -0.04335142, -0.05998184, -0.08039898, 
> -0.10347378, -0.18641901, -0.52287875, -1.27572413, 
-1.66958623, -2.07314329, -2.88941029, -3.7212464 ]
>     zlog=log10(z)
>     if z < 0.001:
>         k = 2.1495 * exp (0.333333333 * log (z)) - 1.8138 * z
>         return (k)
>     elif z >= 10.0:
>         k = 1.2533 * sqrt (z) * exp (-z)
>         return (k)
>     else:
>         my_inter = interp1d(kaparg, kapval)
>         my_z = np.array([zlog])
>         result = my_inter(my_z)
>         valuelog = result[0]
>         k=10**valuelog
>         return(k)
> def LEstep(n):
>     Emin=10**6
>     Emax=5*(10**10)
>     Lemin=log10(Emin)
>     Lemax=log10(Emax)
>     stepE=(Lemax-Lemin)/n
>     return (stepE, n, Lemin, Lemax)
> def mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq):
>     eel = list(range(nex))
>     eels = np.logspace(Lemin, Lemax, num=nex, endpoint=False)
>     indpha = list(range(npha))
>     indobs = list(range(nobs))
>     rlc = c/(2*pi*freq)
>     #creating an empty 3D vector
>     MYMAPS = [np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float), np.zeros([npha, nobs, 
> nex], dtype=float), np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float), np.zeros([npha, 
> nobs, nex], dtype=float), np.zeros([npha, nobs, 
nex], dtype=float)]
>     count=0
>     alpha = '60_'
>     for my_line in open('datasm0_60_5s.dat'):
>         myinternet = []
>         gmlis = []
>         print('reading the line', count, '/599378')
>         my_parts = [float(i) for i in my_line.split()]
>         phase = my_parts[4]
>         zobs = my_parts[5]
>         rho = my_parts[6]
>         gmils=[my_parts[7], my_parts[8], my_parts[9], my_parts[10], 
> my_parts[11]]
>         i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)
>         j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)
>         for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmils, MYMAPS):
>             omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)
>             gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg
>             for w in eel:
>                 omega = (10**(w*stepENE+Lemin))*eVtoErg/hcut
>                 x = omega/omC
>                 kap = kappa(x)
>                 Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
>                 P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi)
>                 phps = P/(hcut*omega)
>                 www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)
>                 MYMAP[i,j,w] += www
>         count = count + 1
>     sigmas = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30]
>     multis = zip(sigmas, MYMAPS)
>     for sigma, MYMAP in multis:
>         print(sigma)
> filename='skymap_'+alpha+'_'+str(sigma)+'_'+str(npha)+'_'+str(phamin)+'_'+str(phamax)+'_'+str(nobs)+'_'+str(obamin)+'_'+str(obamax)+'_'+str(nex)+'_'+str(Lemin)+'_'+str(Lemax)+'_.dat'
>         MYfile = open(filename, 'a')
>         for k in eel:
>             for j in indobs:
>                 for i in indpha:
>                     A=MYMAP[i, j, k]
>                     stringa = str(A) + ','
>                     MYfile.write(stringa)
>             accapo = '\n'
>             MYfile.write(accapo)
>         MYfile.close()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     if len(sys.argv)<=1:
>         stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(200)
>     elif len(sys.argv)<=2:
>         stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))
>     else:
>         stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))
>         freq=float(sys.argv[2])
> #mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq)
> #print('profile')
>'mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq)', 'restats', 'time')
> p = pstats.Stats('restats')
> p.strip_dirs().sort_stats('name')
> p.sort_stats('time').print_stats(20)

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