The the "Logical Error" question, this was brought up:
        The big problem is this:                                                
            fullPath += [line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()]                
        which is an O(N**2) algorithm. Do you know that terminology? Very       
        briefly: O(1) means approximately constant time: tripling the size of   
        the input makes no difference to the processing time. O(N) means linear 
        time: tripling the input triples the processing time. O(N**2) means     
        quadratic time: tripling the input increases the processing time not by 
        a factor of three, but a factor of three squared, or nine.              
        With small files, and fast computers, you won't notice. But with huge   
        files and a slow computer, that could be painful.                       
        Instead, a better approach is:                                          
            fullPath.append(line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip())             
        which avoids the O(N**2) performance trap.   

I have two questions:
1. How do you know that fullPath += [line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()] is 
an O(N**2)?
2. How do you know that fullPath.append(line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()) 
is not?

David Rock
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