On 04/05/2014 21:25, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have a function which accepts an alpha2 country code and a price
string, where the aim is to get the country's currency and use the
currency.letter property of that currency to format the supplied price

The above works fine so far - yet it falls over when called with Germany
as the country as follows:

currency = pycountry.currencies.get(numeric=country.numeric)

The function implementation is as follows:

def formatPrice(self, alpha2CountryCode, price):
         @param alpha2CountryCode: The 2-character country code for
which to format the price value
         @param price: The price value as a string
         @return: A string representing the formatted monetary value for
this country for this price.

         #Get country by alpha2 code
         country = pc.countries.get(alpha2=alpha2CountryCode.upper())

         #Get currency by country's numeric and format price
         currency = pc.currencies.get(numeric=country.numeric)
         letter = currency.letter
         formattedCurrency = "%s %s" % (letter, price)

         return formattedCurrency

Any ideas as to what the issue may be?

Thanks :)

Sithu Lloyd Dube

Sorry but this list is aimed at people learning the core Python language, not a third party module, which I've never heard of incidentally. You might get lucky if some regular here has used the package, but even then "it falls over" isn't too helpful.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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