On 28/05/14 20:16, jarod...@libero.it wrote:
Dear all!
I have two example files:
name    value   root
mark    34      yes

name    value   root

I understood down to here.

I want to print a different text if I have more than one row and if I have
only one row.

This is not clear.
Where do you want to print this text?
What kind of text? More than one row where?
In file 1? file 2? or both?

My code is this:
with open("tmp.csv") as p:
     header =p.next()

Probably easier to use readline()

     for i in p:
         print i
         g = ()

I've no idea what you think this is doing?
It creates an empty tuple so will always evaluate to False

     if not g:
             print  header
mark    34      yes


huh ????

I want to obtain only where I have only the header the header string? How can
I do this?Thnks for your great patience and help!

You might want to investigate the csv module and in particular the DictReader class. It might be easier for your purposes.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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