Hi, i tried to make a code to execute the functions that i described below. 
However i got a break outside the loop error and i have tried to tab and all 
that but i still get the same error for line 23. I'm using python 2.7
Please help me. I'm completely new to coding (just started last week)Thank you 
for your time, i have pasted the code below.
## open both filesfile1 = open('human_brain_proteins.csv')file2 = 
open('human_plasma_proteins.csv')#file1 = open('log1')#file2 = open('log2')
## createdd a counter to count linescount1 = 0count2 = 0
## define 3 lists to be filled in latercommon = list()brain = list()plasma = 
## Created the lists for brain and plasma before searching for common 
bioseq.while True:    count1 += 1    s1=file1.readline().partition(',')[0]if s1 
and count1 > 1:        brain.append(s1)        if not s1:                
breakwhile True:    count2 += 1    s2=file2.readline().partition(',')[0]if s2 
and count2 > 1:        plasma.append(s2)        if not s2:                break
## Compared the lists to find out common bioseq., add the common bioseq. into 
the common list,## then remove the common bioseq. from both listsfor item1 in 
brain:    for item2 in plasma:        if item1 == item2:                    
common.append(item1)                    brain.remove(item1)                    
## closed both filesfile1.close()file2.close()
## print out the listsprint "Common biosequence:"print common,"\n"print "Brain 
specific biosequence:"print brain,"\n"print "Plasma specific biosequence:"print 

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