
Python novice back again.  :)  I'm making progress in my learning process,
but struggling whenever attempting to creatively go beyond what's required
in the various chapter assignments.  For example, there's a simple random
die roller program that looks like the following:

# Craps Roller
# Demonstrates random number generation

import random

# generate random numbers 1 - 6
die1 = random.randint(1, 6)
die2 = random.randrange(6) + 1

total = die1 + die2

print("You rolled a", die1, "and a", die2, "for a total of", total)

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

I wanted to make it a little more interesting by using ascii art
representations of the six die.  When printing, however, they do so
vertically and not horizontally.  Here's a snippet of the code:

die_1 = """
|     |
|  o  |
|     |

die_2 = """
|o    |
|     |
|    o|

print(die_1, die_2)

So, how would I get this to display horizontally?

Like so...
.-----.   .-----.
|     |   |o    |
|  o  |   |     |
|     |   |    o|
`-----'   `-----'


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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