On 17/08/14 03:58, Stephen Mik wrote:

Introductory Course. The Instructor used the Textbook:"Python
Programming,3rd Edition (for the absolute beginner) by Michael
ran into stiff headwinds when I tried to read Ch.8,"Software Objects

(I'm scheduled to take a JavaScript class shortly and since that
> is object-oriented I really need to get this OOP down).

Actually modern best practice in JavaScript does not use OOP so much as Functional Programming. And the OOP parts of JavaScript tend to be very different to the traditional style of OOP used in Python. So I wouldn't worry too much, you will have a new way of working to learn in JavaScript even if you master Python OOP, although at least the basic concepts will be familiar.

discussion on "Instantiating an Object","Methods","Constructors",

That's pretty much most of OOP...
Have you tried reading another OOP tutorial? Sometimes a different approach can help. You can try my OOP topic in my tutorial(see .sig)

"Attributes-on page 226-228,Using Class
Attributes and Static Methods(page 228-230;Creating A Class
Attribute,Accessing a Class Attribute(Pg. 231);Using and Invoking a
Static Method (pages 231-232) is all confusing to me

Forget about this stuff until you have the basics down. class and static methods are quite advanced OOP topics. They won't make much sense until you understand classes, instances and instance methods.

Please,somebody,explain the magic of Software Objects in Python to me
ASAP. Thanks!

Try the OOP topic in my tutorial and come back if you are still confused about the basics. The more specific the question the better the answers will be so try to explain what it is you don't
understand. Include some code samples that you want to have
explained for example.

Also tell us which version of Python you use because some of
the syntax for OOP changed significantly between Python v2
and Python v3.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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