On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> While I wouldn't say its the best environment I don't think its
> fair to say Windows is "a bad environment for Python". Any
> experienced Windows programmer will find it much easier to use Python on
> Windows than to learn a whole new OS and development environment.

There are various pitfalls that happen on Windows and that don’t on
Linux.  Some packages outright assume Windows does not exist, and this
leads to failing code.  In other cases, you must compile a C
extension, which is not easy to configure — and not ever package has
wheels/.exes available…  Linux tries to follow POSIX standards, and
also acknowledges people may want to be programmers.

Also, OP did not state whether they are experienced Windows
programmers, experienced platform-independent programmers or newcomers
to programming in general.

> [ And for context, I run Linux on my main desktop, MacOS on my
> laptop, and Windows 8.1 on a second desktop - used mainly for
> photography/video processing. And I use Python on all 3 of them)

context: I have a dual-boot Arch Linux/Windows 7 system.  Python
installed on both OSes (and even in some Windows VMs).

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <http://chriswarrick.com/>
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