On 09/10/2014 11:20 AM, jarod...@libero.it wrote:
If I follow the exmple I have this type of error:
File "./RNA_prova.py", line 73, in run
     for line in p1.stdout():
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

You have at least two errors in your script below:
This time you're not piping the subprocess stdout, but redirecting it to a file so nothing is ever going to appear in p1.stdout.

Second, p1.stdout is not a method so you're not supposed to call it.
Use p1.stdout instead of p1.stdout().

This is the class I use:
def run(cmd,pi):
                import subprocess
                import time
                import logging

                logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format="%(asctime)s - 
%(name)s - %
(levelname)s - %(message)s")

                #logging.debug(" Running pipelines: %s" % (cmd))
                # setup logging
                log_file = "None"
                tou = "file"+"_.log.txt"
                if log_file is not None:
                        logfh = open(tou, "w")

                        logfh = None

                p1 = 

                #logging.info(" Running pipelines: %s" % (cmd))
                for line in p1.stdout():

                if p.wait() != 0:
                        raise Exception
                # end logging
                if logfh is not None:

                return  0

How can be sure the process start finish before to proced with the other
thanks in advance for any help!

For additional help it would be more motivating if we could discuss some fixed concrete code along with precise error descriptions instead of ever shifting pieces of code.

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