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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Danny Yoo <>
Date: Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] question 1
To: Clayton Kirkwood <>

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Clayton Kirkwood <> wrote:
>> Secondarily, why can you import a module without it importing all of
>> its daughters?
> The act of importing a module is "recursive": if you import a module, and 
> that module itself has import statements, then Python will do the import of 
> the child modules too.  And so forth.
>> And why do you have to use a ‘for in to import submodule’, why not
>> ’import module.sub’?
> If I'm not mistaken, you _can_ do this.  Can you point us to a source where 
> it says you can't?
> (There are particular style guidelines from certain organizations that 
> prohibit this kind of import, but that prohibition is by convention.
> That is, it's not because the language disallows it, but because it doesn't 
> fit with the house coding style.)
> [Clayton Kirkwood]
> From the interpreter:
> import io
> import io.FileIO
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
> builtins.ImportError: No module named 'io.FileIO'; 'io' is not a package

Hi Clayton,

Ah.  But 'FileIO' is not a module.  It's a value in the 'io' module.
We can see this here:

dhcp-9:work dyoo$ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Mar  9 2014, 22:15:05)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.0.68)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import io
>>> io
<module 'io' from
>>> io.FileIO
<type '_io.FileIO'>

When we say:

    import xxx

then the "xxx" has to be a module.

The 'from/import' statement is deceptively named, unfortunately; it's
doing a little more than just module import.

where when we say:

   from xxx import yyy

then xxx.yyy could be a module, or it might not.  The act of module
import is involved, so in a sense, the statement is doing an import.
But the 'yyy' doesn't have to be a module.

When we say:

   from io import FileIO

we are taking a value from the 'io' module, and giving it the name 'FileIO

So yeah, it's a little confusing.  For that reason, certain style
guidelines have a say when something is appropriate to write, apart
from what Python technically allows.  As a concrete example, see:

Here, we see a style decision that is _more_ restrictive than what the
Python language allows.

> Huh.  Can you point to a reference?  Note that third-party documentation (and 
> official documentation!) might be buggy or weird.
> :P  If you can point us to an example, maybe one of us can investigate what's 
> going on there.
> [Clayton Kirkwood]
> Example from ''
> #!/usr/bin/python
> str = raw_input("Enter your input: ");
> print "Received input is : ", str

Just because something is on the web (or email) doesn't mean it's
correct or prefect.



There are a few small problems with this example from tutorialspoint:

1.  The semicolon is superfluous.

Take it out: it will still work.

2.  The name 'str' is already a built-in,

so the code here is shadowing the built-in.

In such a small test program, this is fine.  In a real program, I'd
ding this for readability issues.
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