On 27Nov2014 12:43, Santosh Kumar <rhce....@gmail.com> wrote:
I am planning to start a small project , so i need some suggestions on how
to go about it.

1) It basically takes some inputs like (name,age,course,joining
date,remarks) so on.
2) I want a light front end for it.
3) i should be able to query for a particular person on a particular date
or a joining date.
4) The app should be easily deployable both in the linux and windows
machines. ( something like a .exe in windows)

So this is my requirement as stated in the above four points. Now i need
suggestions on how to go ahead with these.

for 2) should i go for tkinter or do we have something even lighter.

If you're familiar with tkinter, use it. Otherwise I don't know enough to advise. At least tkinter comes with Python, so that is one problem solved for you. Disclaimer: I have not used it; I work almost entirely in terminals with text.

for 3) to achieve this should i just go for a database, if yes i need
something which can be easily moved across.

You may find that sqlite files are portable. (Or not.)

CSV files are portable, but not random access. If your data set is small they might do though: read it into memory; write it out at program exit (or strategic other times).

for 4) if i have to create a executable , how to make sure all the above
requirements can be packaged into a application or a software.

Can't help here.

My suggestions is: (1) find components that will work on UNIX and Windows (GUI toolkit and data storage specificly). (2) Get it working in as simple a way as possible. The GUI toolkit aside, the rest of it is probably easy to change if needed. But make it work _first_.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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