On 12Dec2014 07:46, Jagannath Ramanan <jagannath.rama...@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is jag. I need little bit of help understanding something. I have a
vncserver running at the background in redhat. My client is lubuntu where
im using python.

For some reason the communication is only possible between them is to send
custom TCP/IP messages. Im not a hardcore developers. I can do scripts and
i have used gtk python for front ends etc.

*The TCP /IP message length is:*

TCP/IP: 37 bytes of message + 16 bytes of header = 53 bytes Raw Serial: 37
bytes message + 16 bytes of header + 2 bytes of trailer = 55 bytes
I have no idea how i would code something like that in python to make it
talk to the server.

I think you need to supply some more detail. The above looks like small snippet from a much larger document. It sounds to me like that is from a summary of some protocol which is slightly different over TCP from over a serial line.

When you say "the communication is only possible between them is to send custom TCP/IP messages", what kind of communication to you have in mind? Normally a VNC service on your redhat box is simply a way of presenting a virtual display for remote interaction. It would be unusual for that to be your only choice unless you have a specific task in mind.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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