On 02/01/15 14:49, WolfRage wrote:

class GameTile():

def __init__(self, id, **kwargs):

# id is (X,Y)

self.id = id

Still showing double spaced and without indent to me, on Thunderbird...

I use Thunderbird for posting too, and nobody has complained yet about my code layout.
My account settings are:

Compose in HTML - OFF
Auto quote original then "START REPLY BELOW QUOTE"

My Tbird prefs are:
Composition->General tab-> Send Options button
Text Format set to "Convert to plain text"
Plain Text domains tab -> includes python.org and gmane.org

And in my Address book I have the python tutor list entry set to

Prefers messages formatted as PLAIN TEXT

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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