dear all,
thanks so much!! I  explain better  my problem :

this is my workflow. Take my data from readset an create  a command list
ena = Rnaseq()
The order of the self.step are the order I wan to to execute my analisys. 
So this is the order:
In [160]:
1- trimmomatic
2- merge_trimmomatic_stats
3- star
4- picard_sort_sam
5- rnaseqc
6- wiggle
7- cufflinks
8- cuffquant
9- gq_seq_utils_exploratory_analysis_rnaseq

First aim is to write a code to write all the pipeline .
up to now I use this:
job1 = ena.trimming()
the other aim is to selcet a range number to execute i.e. 2-9 or 1-4...

Tutor maillist  -
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