On 2015-01-27 00:15, Alan Gauld wrote:
On 27/01/15 02:04, Alex Kleider wrote:
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I've assumed that it is proper to
define all functions before embarking on the main body of a program.

No, you can do it either way round. Top-Down or Bottom-Up as they are known.

Usually its a muxture of both.

But most folks like to have a running program at all times. So you
might write the function headers with dummy bodies then write the main
code that calls the functions. Then go back and fill in the functions

I've just realized where the confusion arises.
As Steve guessed, I was talking about the order in which they appear in the file, not the order in which they were written. Only when this light went on did I realize why I had inadvertently precipitated a discussion of top down vs bottom up
Sorry about the confusion.

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