On 16/02/2015 16:27, Courtney Skinner wrote:

I am trying to build a program that approximates the value of cosine - this is 
my program so far. It is not returning the right values. Could you tell me what 
I am doing wrong?

def main():

     import math

Not that it matters but imports are usually done at the top of the module.

     print("This program approximates the cosine of x by summing")
     print("the terms of this series:  x^0 / 0!, -x^2 / 2!,")
     print("x^4 / 4!, -x^6 / 6!...")

     n = eval(input("How many terms should be used? "))
     x = eval(input("What value should be used for x? "))

*DON'T* use eval, it's potentially dangerous.

n = int(input("How many terms should be used? "))
x = float(input("What value should be used for x? "))

     s = 1
     d = 1
     e = 1

     value = 0

     for i in range(n - 1):

Are you aware that this will count from zero to n - 2?

         value = value + s + (x**e / math.factorial(d))

         s = s * 1
         e = e + 2
         d + d + 2

Whoops :)

         print("Approximation for cos(x) calculated by this program: ")

         difference = math.cos(x) - value

         print("Difference between this value and math.cos(x): ")


We'd usually write:-

if __name__ == "__main__":

Thank you!


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